1. I am thankful for my home, where my family lives. Together.
2. I'm thankful for Alex,
my companion and friend for 19 years. Who loves me with all my faults
and always tries his best to be a good husband and father.
3. I am thankful for Greyson, who is responsible
and helpful beyond his 9 years. I am also thankful for his love of books
and learning...even if it's not always what is traditionally taught!
4. I'm thankful for Grant. He can always make us laugh, even when he is frustrating. And his caring attitude touches me.
5. I am thankful for my parents, who continue to
help me out in so many ways. They never hesitated to watch my kids,
especially when I was a single parent living 3 hours away. They've made
the 2 day trek to see my new home already. They helped me out enormously
with college so that I was able to start my adult life debt free. And
they have made me into the person I am today.
6. I am thankful for the men and women who have
gone before me working to make this country, and the world, a better
place. I am thankful for those who fought, in battle and protest, for my
right to vote.
7. I am thankful for my siblings. While I
remember a lot of fighting growing up, I am thankful for the friends I
have now. Thankful for Stanley & Alison for being willing to help me out with my kids, thankful for Shelly & Jeff for being willing to open their house to visitors and thankful for Marie
who has been my housemate, friend, babysitter, 2nd parent to my kids,
provider of clothes/books/movies and I love that we are her home away
from home!
8. I am thankful for the jobs I have had. My
current one is exactly what I was looking for. At my last position at
Growth Works I met so many wonderful people and I'm thankful for Judi,
who gave me a job, twice! I am thankful to have worked with Detroit
Conference UM camps, it was my dream job and I'm pretty sure over half
my "friends" list comes from the connections I made.
9. I'm thankful for humor in unexpected places :)
10. Thankful for the profound impact United
Methodist Camps have had, and continue to have, on my life and now my
kid's lives (Our favorite is still Camp Kinawind ;))
11. I'm thankful for the pad thai my husband made for dinner and the yummy drinks he made for dvr watching. He's the best ♥
12. Thankful for a date day with my husband. Also thankful for the veterans and active duty military that gave us
this day - I hope you have all been spoiled yesterday & today!
13. I'm thankful for exercise. Thankful that my body works that way and thankful I have someone to stay with my sleeping kids!
14. I'm thankful not only that I can go on Greyson's field trip tomorrow, but that he wants me to go!
15. I'm thankful my kids like books in all their
forms! Reading themselves, being read to, books on CD and books into
movies. There is also a healthy appetite for non-fiction!
16. I am thankful for my family's health. All of
our concerns have always been on a small scale and I'm thankful my heart
doesn't break to see my kids suffer. My heart always goes out to those
who aren't able to say the same.
17. I'm thankful my family likes to play games
together. Tonight's picks were Mexican Train and Apples To Apples. Also
thankful none of tonight's games resulted in tears!
18. I'm thankful for family movie nights with homemade pizza/calzones :)
19. I'm thankful for a safe and relatively quick trip. 1060 miles in 16 hours with 2 kids!
20. I am thankful for friends. Friends who check
on me, who support me, who encourage me and who are genuinely happy for
me. Friends who can pick up right where we left off the last time we saw
each other. I'm also thankful for family who are friends.
I couldn't have made it through the last 3 1/2 years without all of you. I am so very thankful for my friends!
21. "This is the thanks for all that's good:
Home and family and friends and food."
From the book This is the Turkey
22. I am thankful for Sarah Hale who worked for 38
years to make Thanksgiving a national holiday. I'm thankful for all the
heroes who use the superpower of persistence.
I'm thankful for
Abraham Lincoln, the fifth president that Hale petitioned, who finally
signed Thanksgiving into a national holiday hoping to unite a divided
I hope that this day sees us putting aside division and
bringing us together to celebrate all that we have to be thankful for
beginning with the people that touch our lives.
23. Thankful for a safe trip to Michigan and back and for getting to stock up on my favorite Michigan wines :)
24. I'm thankful for my car and the 161,000 miles
it's traveled with me. That's a lot of trips to camp, Traverse City,
Ohio, New Orleans, Virginia Beach, Disney and so many other places!
25. Preemptively thankful for a good night's sleep for the whole family because it's been a long day.
26. Today I'm thankful for the electricity in my house and all that it provides.
Thankful for a hot shower, heat, and washing machine!
27. Today I'm thankful for half-day Wednesdays. I'm looking forward to the break in routine.
28. Thankful for AEPHI and the influence it has had and continues to have in my life. As well as for my sisters, and other Greek friends ♥
29. Still thankful for my refrigerator :)
30. Thankful for my two best friends who were born on this date!
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